Tuesday 4 October 2011

When I grow up...

When I grow up I want to be...
Age 6: A horse rider!
But don't all girls? It's all that my little pony! But seriously, I wanted to be a horse rider, as a job. We have a field next to our house too so there was always that hope that one day my dad would buy me a horse, I never understood why he didn't! I did have horse riding lessons for a while, as far as I can remember I loved it. I don't remember why I stopped though...
Age 13: A photographer! I've always loved taking pictures (some of which I will be sharing on this blog). You start off with the throw away ones, they're always fun! Then I remembered I had this special polaroid one that dispensed these cool tiny photos about the size of a passport photo. Then I had a digital camera, a Sony Cybershot. I could take endless pictures on that - much to everyone's annoyance! But it didn't have a zoom and that really bugged me. After that it was digital camera after digital camera, I'm sure they decide to stop working after a year! And then... ahhhh my sweet sweet DSLR Camera. I love it. With its beautiful lense and brilliant quality - it's so pretty!
Age 16: A journalist. I even went to college to study it... and then figured out it wasn't what I wanted to do.
Age 17: A teacher. It's my life calling, I'm telling you! If there is one thing I can do without thinking it's teach. And I love playing with kids and watching them learn. Oh I want to be a teacher so bad! And that's the plan. I'm at college doing childcare & education then it's on to university and one day I will be a primary school teacher.
So there you go!
Love Jenny x