Sunday 4 December 2011

People Watching

This post should have been published a long time ago. Over a month! But anyhow, here it is...

So I went to the airport to pick my brother up as he had been away in Spain. While I was waiting I did some people watching, always something I find very interesting. I thought I'd share my observations with you! I saw...

A man wearing what I can only describe as a Christmas Cardigan! It was lush! haha

Kids gone wild! Seriously, there were like 3 little kids just running rings around their parents and grandparents.

A man reading paper - he looked particularly bored and infuriated by the kids.

This next one was my favourite... a cleaner coming down the escalator and simultaneously using a mop to clean the sides, only she didn't have to lift a finger because the escalator was doing all the work!

Flight attendants - I wondered where they had been. Made me want to be one!

A shop worker with the biggest fake eyelashes ever - glued on really badly, and I mean REALLY BADLY!

Cafe worker in Halloween costume and witches hat head band (oh yeah, it was October).

A guy with a really hot man bag - totally reminded me of the Friends episode where Joey gets a man bag. Love it.

And randomly, a girl who's make up looked like a geisha from a distance!

Finally, I found this picture rather amusing:

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Back in the day there were these cool photo booths you could go in with a friend and have your picture taken and then you got to watch it paint the picture. Well, me and my cousin Nadine used to love them. We'd be on holiday at Pontins or something and we'd find one and run over, split the cost and wait for it to print. Here are a few I found a while a go. Ahhhhh sweet childhood memories!

Sunday 23 October 2011


I love this picture.

My Family and I always go on Holiday to Scotland. It's just a fact. We have gone pretty much every year for as long as I can remember. We have had some great times with family and friends and we usually stay at a different place every time. I have to say my favourite thing to do is go on a Bike Ride but I know that everyone else hates it, so for the last couple of holidays I have just dragged my Aunty Lyn with me. We hire bikes and then just hit the road - the routes we take require a lot of pedal power but it's worth it for the view and the super speed we come down at!
Also on holiday we like to go on walks, out for meals, stay in and read, do jigsaws, play scrabble, visit local attractions and just generally be together as a family.

This is our dog Willow.

I found this skeleton hanging from the roof of a very interesting book shop in a little town we visited called Wigtown.

This picture was taken a few years back at a museum - the big white blob on the left is actually ICE!! And that's my sister, Ally. 

Monday 17 October 2011

So this weekend I went to the Huddersfield Convention which is for YSA of the Church (Young Single Adults) - and it was awesome! It was jam packed and on the first night they had a dance with two DJs: one inside and one outside in a big tent! Also they had KRISPEY KREME DOUGHNUTS and ice-cream. Pure joy when I saw those bad boys! My tummy was very happy. I had six. Shhhhhh.

The Chorley MTC President and his wife spoke at the Saturday Morning Devotional. They were really nice. They talked about the theme for the convention which was "Open Thy Mouth" (see D&C 28:16).

Then we did a service project which was clearing up rubbish in a forest. It was fun and we got to wear latex gloves which always makes me feel like a surgeon (yeah right! ha!). It turned into kind of a competition to see who could find the most interesting thing, we found: clothes, beds, tvs, kettles, computers, wheels, etc.

In the afternoon we were split into groups and went to do fun activities like bowling and lazer quest... my group got to go on pedalos! Such fun! And kind of wet. We went on a beautiful lake in red pedalos and pedaled all around for about an hour. Everyone was switching pedalos and generally having fun on the water! :)

I stayed at my friend Katie's house - I love her bed. It is soooo comfy. Although I do tend to stay over there for the weekend and it's always very busy so maybe anything would be comfy at that point!! Who knows!

Don't worry - it's a rootbeer float!

On the Saturday night I had a bit of a wardrobe disaster... I forgot to bring all my stuff so all I had was my dress. I ended up having to borrow make up and someone lent me a cardigan and vest for under my dress, then Katie did my hair. I also had to dry my shoes with a hair dryer because they were still wet from pedalo-ing (?). But the dancing was still fun...

Sunday was great. Lots of people bore their testimony in Sacrament Meeting. But I didn't get chance to so I figure, hey, what's a blog for if not to bear my testimony?!

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is the best church on the whole earth and I know it is true with all my heart. I am so grateful to have grown up with the knowledge of the gospel and such a wonderful family. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I have a testimony of tithing that it really works. I have such a strong faith, and even when I stray from the path I always return with a stronger faith. I know that if I keep the commandments that I will be blessed. I am striving to reach the celestial kingdom and become more like my Saviour - I want to develop christlike qualities like him. I know the Holy Ghost is a member of the God head and when I live worthy of his companionship I am comforted and guided throughout my life. I love this gospel and the people in it.
In the name of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

A Day in the Life...

of a college student.

That's me. A college student. At twenty. Yeah I know it's a bit late on in life, but things will work out eventually. So this was how my day went...

Got up and went to college.
Had boring lessons.
Had to write assignments
Had lunch and then went back to boring lessons.
And then, in our last lessons our tutor brought out:


And oh what fun we had!


Bayley with her cool necklace that she threaded herself!

Our Postman Pat Jigsaw

Gina trying to make a cupcake...

Monday 10 October 2011

There's something you should know...

... I love One Tree Hill. It is my all time favourite TV programme. I have watched it forever. I have watched it so many times I can probably tell you the story from start to finish (that's 8 seasons)! What do I love about it? The characters - they are what makes One Tree Hill so good. The depth of the characters, their story and their relationships. There's a lot to be learned from One Tree Hill too, ya know! So anyway, I thought I would just share some of my favourite quotes here... enjoy!

 "At this moment, there are 6 billion, 4 hundred, 71 million, 8 hundred, 18 thousand, 6 hundred, 71 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day... others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, and some are good.. struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world, 6 billion souls -- and sometimes... all you need is 1."

"Did you ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many people have pictures of you."

Peyton: "Name a wish, place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want.
Lucas: "Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true.
You never know when the next miracle can come from, the next smile, the next wish com true."
Peyton: "But if you believe that it right around the corner.
And you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the serenity of it."
Brooke: "You just may get the thing your are wishing for."
Nathan: "The world is full of magic you just have to believe it.
So make your wish. Do you have it?"
Haley: "Good. Now believe in it with all you heart."

"Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will."

Saturday 8 October 2011

Mustaches and Toilet Trips!

I love to make friends! And I am constantly meeting new people because I am always all over the place at dances, etc. Just recently I made two new friends and already I love them loads! They are called Sophie and Hannah (pictured on the left). They make me laugh so much and in the little time I have known them I have learnt the following things about them:
They have to go to the toilet at least every 10 minutes! (not even lying)
They take ages to get ready but always look beaut!
They are crazy... and I mean CRAZY!
They are lovely. :)

And then there is Katie (pictured middle right, next to me!). There are not enough words for how much I love this girl so I shall save it for another day. Just know she is amazing and I could not live without her!
I love this picture! Its ace! It was taken when we were at YSA Convention this summer in Nottingham - such a fun weekend! Anyway, just thought I would share it with you!
Love Jenny x