Sunday 4 December 2011

People Watching

This post should have been published a long time ago. Over a month! But anyhow, here it is...

So I went to the airport to pick my brother up as he had been away in Spain. While I was waiting I did some people watching, always something I find very interesting. I thought I'd share my observations with you! I saw...

A man wearing what I can only describe as a Christmas Cardigan! It was lush! haha

Kids gone wild! Seriously, there were like 3 little kids just running rings around their parents and grandparents.

A man reading paper - he looked particularly bored and infuriated by the kids.

This next one was my favourite... a cleaner coming down the escalator and simultaneously using a mop to clean the sides, only she didn't have to lift a finger because the escalator was doing all the work!

Flight attendants - I wondered where they had been. Made me want to be one!

A shop worker with the biggest fake eyelashes ever - glued on really badly, and I mean REALLY BADLY!

Cafe worker in Halloween costume and witches hat head band (oh yeah, it was October).

A guy with a really hot man bag - totally reminded me of the Friends episode where Joey gets a man bag. Love it.

And randomly, a girl who's make up looked like a geisha from a distance!

Finally, I found this picture rather amusing:

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